Blog: Nettes Detail: MS FORTRAN Compiler-Doku

Der Microsoft FORTRAN Compiler (Version 2.2 von 1986) kommt mit einer umfangreichen Dokumentation im Ringbuchschuber daher. Die Schreiber beweisen einen eigenen Humor:

Abschnitt über Compiler-Optionen:

2.2.6 Card Number Display at Compile Time

Selecting the D option causes the compiler to display the card number of the statement it is processing during passes 1 and 2. During pass 3 it will display the symbolic name of the program unit it s linking.

The D option is primarily a compiler debugging tool: it indicates the card number of the statement where the compiler choked. However, many users swear that the compiler runs faster with card numbers flashing by.

(Hervorhebung durch mich)

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